Forensic Climatology Consulting Inc.
Welcome to Ontario's leading source of reliable and insightful climatological reports used in litigation where weather may have been a factor!
Forensic Climatology Consulting is the most sought-after consulting firm in Ontario because we only deal in the facts and we provide our reports in an easily understood format that resonates with layman inside and outside the courtroom. Our reports tell a story and also simplify the science of meteorology which is vitally necessary during legal mediation as well as court proceedings.
As the President of FCC, I am fully committed to provide the best possible service at every point to all our customers. It is my sincere commitment that FCC not just meet, but far exceed customer's expectations when it comes to customer service & support. FCC will ensure there is absolutely no slippage in our customer service.
The Industry
Forensic Climatology and Meteorology can be a complex science for even the most seasoned professionals. Deciphering the science of weather and making it understandable is often difficult and challenging. Canada is a country of diverse weather conditions, often changing within minutes. The weather in Canada can go from one extreme to the other in a very short time frame with disastrous consequences.
At times, these changes in weather can play a role in our daily lives such as accidents and personal injury, insurance claims from automobile collisions, lost productivity, late shipments of goods and the list goes on.
We live in a litigious society in which meteorological evidence and testimony can play a part in court proceedings. Forensic Climatology has a role to play in all of these aspects of weather related issues. FCC Inc. can help eliminate the pain of procuring, analyzing and dissecting the facts of a past weather event and present them in a format which is easily understood and accepted by the layman. Our goal is to provide a report that reads like a story, providing scientific facts, while also telling a timeline of events leading to an outcome.
We have over 50 years of experience in meteorology and climatology and we are well respected by peers and colleagues. FCC is an award winning company with integrity, and industry fairness.
We are willing to help you through the "Fog".
Areas of Practice
Forensic Services
Expert Witness Testimony
Court-ready reports for MVAs and Slip and Falls
Data Analysis - as it applies to MVAs and Slip and Falls
Detailed, certified reports of climatological conditions for site specific locations and dates.
Radar and Satellite interpretation
Quantitative precipitation estimates from radar imagery
Rainfall and snowfalls amounts for site specific sites and dates
Analysis, interpretation and specialized report writing
Assessments for legal, insurance and law enforcement
Legal Report Writing
Insurance Report Writing
Engineering Report Writing
McLeish Orlando
Oatley Vigmond
Personal Injury Alliance
Advantage Forensics
Boghosian and Allen LLP
Lerners London
Lerners Toronto
Harrison Pensa London
Dutton Brock
Aviva Trial Lawyers
What People Are Saying
Mr. Mawson and I have been friends and co-workers with Environment Canada for decades. He brings a practical, no nonsense approach to any project with the assurance that the job will get done ... and done right ... probably surpassing the expectations of the clients and all involved. He has a professional work ethic and I would highly recommend him for any project."
— Phil "the forecaster" Chadwick
Former Severe Weather Meteorologist, International lecturer, educator and trainer for Environment Canada
“I have been a professional colleague of Mr. Mawson’s for over 30 years. During that time, he has held a variety of highly responsible positions with Environment Canada. In his work at Weather and Marine Offices across Canada, he has gained an extensive knowledge of meteorology. He has successfully handled requests for weather data and consultation from many diverse sectors including aviation, police, agriculture, insurance, lawyers and the media. For many years, Mr. Mawson conducted a public outreach program called CanWarn regarding the recognition and reporting of severe weather thus enhancing and furthering Environment Canada’s mandate to protect and preserve the safety of Canadians.
I believe that he will be able to employ his knowledge and years of experience in weather and climatology towards pursuing a successful “second career” as a forensic weather expert.”
— Bryan Smith
Forensic Weather Services
“I had the pleasure of working with mr. Mawson in 2008 and 2009 on the National Aerial Surveillance Program when he served as a weather specialist with the Marine Aerial Reconnaissance Team (MART). During this time, he provided daily weather briefings, forecasts and operational planning strategies which were instrumental in mission success. Mawson's vast experience and knowledge of meteorology was invaluable to the entire crew and his calm, professional manner was always a welcomed contribution to our team.”
— Captain John Heiler
Supervisor- Flight Operations, National Aerial Surveillance Program